

❖  B.U.T.N began on 26TH July-  2001

For  the  past  22  years  the  LORD  Almighty wonderfully  lead  us  to  work  in  villages  by  the greatest  grace.  We  have  been  established  a  number of  other Baptist  churches sprang  up,  and  they became  known  as  the     Baptists  Union  of  Tamil Nadu, extending over every part of the Tamil Nadu, exists  as  an  expression  of  the  essential  oneness  of Baptist people in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Distribute  printed  scriptures  portions,  New Testament  and  Holy  Bible.  Next  we  construct  New Church  buildings  for  worship  and  community programs,  like  free  evening  school  and  elderly  care center,  medical  campus,  Income  Generation Programs.  Since  people  are  in  needs  we  give  them cloth, study materials, in every targets village, Food to  the  aged  and  widows,  Covid  Relief  works, arranging  jobs  the  unemployed  youths.  It  Glorifies God to help the poor.



❖  15979 Villages Surrounding B.U.T.N Youth are desperately seeking leadership

 ❖  Women are open to the LORDSHIP of Christ

 ❖  God has begun a good work

THE realities of dalits people community

❖  There is no Christian witness to the vulnerable People Groups

❖  Dalit are open to the gospel dalit 99% of the vulnerable community is Hindu

❖  Severe religious oppression